Friday 23 August 2013

Ubuntu Edge

UBuntu Edge 
Canonical last month when his campaign was run to edge Smartphone crowd funding ubuntu, it has the goal of raising $ 32 million via indigo. but in spite of all efforts to nearly 20 million dollars from his canonical target missed a huge difference after 30 days when it was ended, 27,000 people campaign, only 12.8 million dollars as well as lateness.

Although this campaign in the first 24 hours of the 3.4 million dollars were engaged, but then denounces come subsided fast. for this reason changes in their pricing scheme ubuntu. stated earlier that the first incoming call will get $ 600 to 5,000 backers, while then will pay the amount of $ 830. but funding decrease after ubuntu change his plan.

As far as the crawlfonded subsets, the mobilization of $ 12 million via an even bigger success. canonical even if your target has been left behind, but so far the amount of coherence is also amazing.

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